Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices - Looking at Deployment in a New Light

Do you notice anything unusual about this statement?

“Despite the stresses of deployments, many soldiers find their deployment experiences rewarding.”

During a recent talk I attended by retired Air Force psychologist Carroll Greene, these types of statements, which are often found in a pre-deployment briefing, predispose both Service Members and healthcare providers to automatically think about deployments negatively. What if the statement was turned to “Because of the stresses of deployments, many soldiers find their deployment experiences rewarding”?

October 4, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• The Course of Anxiety Disorders Other Than PTSD in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Axis II Comparison Subjects: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study.
• The Association Between Parent PTSD/Depression Symptoms and Child PTSD Symptoms: A Meta-Analysis.

Staff Voices - - A Veterans at School Resource Site

For those looking to understand the first-person experience of a veteran returning to college, the website Half of Us is an outstanding resource containing dozens of video snippets of interviews of returning vets at school. The website, funded and designed in collaboration by the JED Foundation and MTV U, aims to educate and enlighten students on campus regarding subjects as diverse as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and sexual orientation. Included in the Half of Us web site is an extensive area devoted to veterans on campus.
