Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices: The Importance of Self-Care

Laura Copland

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

How often have we given advice…wonderful, wise advice…to our patients and never once considered its relevance to ourselves?  The answer to this is, of course, often, very, very often.

Clinicians routinely talk to patients about the need for balance between work and personal life, the importance of good sleep hygiene, exercise, socialization and eating well.  What prevents many of us from acting on this advice?

October 12, 2012: CDP News

Today is Friday and that means it's time for the latest batch of news from around the CDP. Today is the final day to register for our one-week training course "Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and their Families" in Salt Lake City, UT October 22 through October 26. Don't miss the opportunity to get some really great training from our staff! Click here for more information or to register.

October 11, 1012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• Criminal Justice Involvement, Trauma, and Negative Affect in Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans.
• Maternal Depression Screening During Prenatal and Postpartum Care at a Navy and Marine Corps Military Treatment Facility.
