Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Recognizing the Experiences of Diverse Military Families - A Brief Introduction to Blue Star Families Racial Equity & Inclusion

Dr. Jenny Phillips

Blue Star Families (BSF), widely known for initiatives to better understand and support military families, recently launched an extensive diversity effort, the BSF Racial Equity & Inclusion (REI) Initiative. This post provides a brief introduction to one of the BSF REI’s first products, a study of the experiences of service members, Veterans, and families of color. Links to access additional information about the study and the larger BSF REI Initiative are provided.

By the Numbers: 18 April 2022

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The percentage "of individuals who experience a traumatic injury" who "will subsequently develop posttraumatic stress disorder," according to a recent article in the Journal of Traumatic Stress -- The role of pain and socioenvironmental factors on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in traumatically injured adults: A 1-year prospective study.

Research Update: 14 April 2022

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Improving the effectiveness of embedded behavioral health personnel through situational judgment training.
● Mental Health Service Use, Suicide Behavior, and Emergency Department Visits Among Rural US Veterans Who Received Video-Enabled Tablets During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
● Sleep disorder symptoms are associated with greater posttraumatic stress and anger symptoms in U.S. army service members seeking treatment for PTSD.

Staff Perspective: Building Your Emergency Support Toolkit

Take a moment and think about the ways you prepare for emergency situations in your personal life. Various activities might come to mind, like stocking up on essentials at the grocery store when a major storm is about to blow through your community. Perhaps you imagine gathering phone numbers and contact information for loved ones and providers that serve you or your family members, imagining a scenario in which hard news needs to be communicated or individuals found for support. Whatever the emergency that came to mind, it is likely that you thought of your readiness to respond; use of information, tangible resources, or products; and/or connection with others.
