Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices: Movie Review - Twelve O'Clock High and Military Mental Illness

Sometimes it can be good to go back to the past to better understand the future.  The movie Twelve O’Clock High by Darryl F. Zanuck is a film that is worth watching more than once. It stars Gregory Peck and was filmed in 1949 post World War II. This movie was based on the novel by Beirne Lay Jr and Sy Bartlett.

November 5, 2012: By the Numbers

21.5 million

That's the total number of military veterans in the United States as of 2011, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in a fact sheet aboutVeterans Day 2012, which contains many other interesting statistics about Those Who Served.

Of the 21.5 million U.S. veterans, 1.6 million are women.

9.2 million are older than 65; 1.8 million are younger than 35.

3.5 million veterans have a service-connected disability rating.

November 2, 2012: CDP News

It’s Friday again and that means it’s time for the latest CDP News roundup. This week was a bit chaotic with Hurricane Sandy tangling things up early in the week, but we still kept quite busy! Our Executive Director, Dr. David Riggs was in southern California presenting to the Center for Innovation and Research on Veteran and Military Families. He wasn’t the only one out west either.  Dr. Ted Bonar was presenting our UC4 course at the University of California Davis.

November 1, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• What are the effects of having an illness or injury whilst deployed on post deployment mental health? A population based record linkage study of UK Army personnel who have served in Iraq or Afghanistan.
• Ten Things You Should Know About Today’s Student Veteran

Staff Voices: Mental Health Providers and the Recruitment Process

People both within the DoD and in the civilian community sometimes wonder if mental health providers become involved with military recruiting.  What do they do, exactly?  Does the job of recruiting really need full time mental health providers involved?

In fact, all military branches have mental health providers involved with recruiting commands to work with the organizations and assist recruiters with the high demands of their jobs.  In the past, recruiting duty was considered one of the highest risk jobs for mental health issues and suicides.  Mental health providers embedded with this community have assisted the organization with improving the recruiting environment and helping the DoD put forward the best people for the job.
