CDP News: April 5, 2013

CDP News: April 5, 2013

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News, where we take a quick look at all the latest and upcoming happenings here at the Center for Deployment Psychology. This week our 2013 South Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in the Oklahoma City metro area reached registration capacity and is now officially sold out. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone out there next week, April 8 through 12! However, there is  good news for everyone else interested in attending our week-long civilian training sessions, we’ll be announcing the location and dates of our 2013 Midwestern Regional Training very soon. So keep an eye on our Civilian Training page, Facebook or Twitter for the latest announcements!

Our University Counseling Center Core Competency program is keeping us busy  as well. On Tuesday this week we visited the University of North Carolina at Wilmington for a great event. Next up we’ll bring the program to Drexel University in Philadelphia on April 17th. We’re also planning on adding additional dates and locations to our UC4 Extended training calendar. So if you’ve previously attended one of our UC4 events and are interested in learning more about evidence-based treatments, check out our UC4-E page.

CDP staff members are also presenting for a variety of organizations around the country. Today Laura Copland is presenting an overview of Cognitive Processing Therapy for the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene. On Sunday and Monday, CDP Executive Director Dr. David Riggs will be speaking to the National Council about military culture and PTSD and its treatments. As always, if you or your organization is interested in having the CDP deliver a lecture or presentation at your next event, simply fill out the request form on our Speakers Bureau page.

At the CDP we firmly believe the training is just the beginning of our partnership with providers. To further that ideal, we provide continuing support to attendees of our events. Take a few moments to look over our Consultation Services page for a list of the consultation options that we provide to registered providers through our Provider Portal section.

Speaking of consultation, this week’s Staff Voices column, by Dr. Kelly Chrestman, is all about the importance of consultation for providers.  If you haven’t  already,  don’t forget to read this week’s Research Update as well for lots of great articles, news and links.

Have a good weekend everyone and we’ll see you back here on Monday for a new By the Numbers entry!
