August 16, 2012: Research Update
• Veterans’ Transitions to Community College: A Case Study.
Key Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Telebehavioral Health goals were developed to address the question of how telehealth technology can improve behavioral heath access. The first and foremost goal is to conserve fighting strength. Telebehavioral Health allows the Army the ability to shift providers across the enterprise to meet unforeseen service requirements or surge demands by allowing Telebehavioral Health providers the ability to see Service Members remotely. This has been evident in the last few years with increases in demands for IDES/Psych Narrative Summary (NARSUM), a component of the medical evaluation board process, as well as backlogs in the Reverse Soldier Readiness Processing (RSRP) of different Regional Medical Commands (RMCs).
The percentage of veterans ages 24-65 who report being in fair or poor health, compared with civilians in the same age group, according to a new data brief from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), The Health of Male Veterans and Nonveterans Aged 25–64: United States, 2007–2010 (
It's time for our latest batch of announcements about all the recent and upcoming events at the Center for Deployment Psychology.
In addition to the recently announced training session in Salt Lake City (now open for registration!), we're currently finalizing detail and locations for two more iterations of our "Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and their Families" course. We're planning on one more out west and one on the east coast. They'll most likely be scheduled for late fall or early winter.