Deployment Psychology Blog

June 7, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

• Post Deployment Care for Returning Combat Veterans.
• A randomized controlled trial of telephone motivational interviewing to enhance mental health treatment engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

Staff Voices: Recording PE Sessions: Why and How

A common concern we hear from new PE therapists is that they’re not sure how to record sessions or are uncomfortable setting this expectation about the treatment.

If recording sessions has not been explained to your patient before they arrive to Session #1 of the treatment, or even if it has been mentioned to them before, it’s important at the very beginning of the first session to explain this standard procedure (again) and why it is used in PE. Candor is critical.

By the Numbers - June 4, 2012

1.3 million

That's the number of veterans without health insurance in the U.S., according to a May 2012 Urban Institute Report, Uninsured Veterans and Family Members: Who Are They and Where Do They Live? (PDF). The report says another 0.9 million vets "use VA care, but have no other health insurance coverage." Additionally. some 0.9 million veterans' family members are uninsured.

June 1, 2012: CDP News

It's Friday and time for another round of announcements and going-ons here at the CDP. We're busy putting together the schedule and finalizing details for our fall slate of one-week training events. We're going to try and visit both out west as well as the east coast this time around. We'll post the dates and locations as soon as they are set.  Before then, however, we've got our June iteration of "Topics in Deployment Psychology," which kicks off June 11, a week from Monday.

May 31, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

• Embracing the Diversity of Military Social Work.
• Social Work with Veterans in Rural Communities: Perceptions of Stigma as a Barrier to Accessing Mental Health Care.
