Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: Assessing Patient Readiness for Evidence-Based Psychotherapy

Carin Lefkowitz, Psy.D.

Participants at our evidence-based psychotherapy (EBP) workshops often ask how to determine when patients are ready to engage in these treatments.  When I read the article, "VA PTSD Clinic Director Perspectives: How Perceptions of Readiness Influence Delivery of Evidence-Based PTSD Treatment," I was struck by how universal these concerns are.  The article describes how providers in VA clinics across the country are addressing these concerns.  In reviewing their findings, we might reconsider the assumptions that we each make about patient readiness for EBPs.

Staff Perspective: Self-Paced Online Military Culture Course

In today’s blog, I’d like to take a few moments to talk about another great feature on, the self-paced online course Military Culture: Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals. While we have several free online courses available on the website, this course is particularly noteworthy for a variety of reasons. This course has recently undergone some great improvements that will hopefully make it even more user-friendly and convenient for learners.
