Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: A Dynamic Relationship Model for Couples Experiencing PTSD

Working with Veterans with PTSD is an intense experience where all focus can be on helping alleviate the Veteran's symptoms.  What can sometimes get lost in this process is how the Veteran's family and relationships are surviving.  PTSD does not happen in a bubble and can have very harsh impacts on relationships.  These relationships will be changed even in the best case scenarios.  On the flip side, aspects of close relationships will impact how the Veteran's PTSD symptoms are experienced.  Following is a review of a recent research article which develops a multi-dimentional model of how relationship qualities can both be impacted by and affect the experience of PTSD.

Staff Perspective: The Therapeutic Relationship

While we may not like to admit it, most of us are drawn to our work because we like working with others. We like helping people navigate their problems and come through healthier, happier, and more engaged in life. However, there are some patients that make us cringe… make us secretly hope for a no-show…and make us count the minutes during the session if they do show. Fortunately, these patients are few and far between, but it’s important to remember that even with our most difficult patients, there can be important lessons to be learned.

Staff Perspective: Article Review

I often find myself asking, “What’s the data supporting that finding?” Truth be told, I pose this question not only at work, when looking at research articles, but also in my personal life with friends, family, and others.  Sounds fun, right? It’s not that bad (insert smiley face).  I bring this up because recently I came across an article by Matthias et al (2014), A Qualitative Study of Chronic Pain in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Veterans: "A Burden on My Soul," that caught my attention.

Staff Perspective: A Look at the 2013 Department of Defense Suicide Event Report

I vividly remember when the Department of Defense (DoD) transitioned to using the DoD Suicide Event Report (DoDSER) system.  I was a young Air Force psychologist stationed in Germany at the time and I remember thinking, “Oh no, one more new system to learn”.  However, I now know how valuable the DoDSER program is in helping standardize suicide surveillance across the Services.

Staff Perspective: A Look at the Relationship Between Trauma Exposure and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Diana Dolan

It is well-known that the prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has dramatically increased among active duty Service members over approximately the past decade. While greater awareness and treatment-seeking, particularly as part of a medical rating, may contribute to greater diagnoses, it does not seem likely to me that those factors alone would explain a nearly six-fold increase. Which of course leads to the question: what is contributing to the rise in OSA among Service members?
