Blog posts with the tag "Suicide"

Staff Perspective: Suicide Prevention Webinar Series

As part of CDP's spotlight on suicide prevention in the month of September, we will be presenting a series of hour-and-a-half long webinars. Each of these free webinars will be led by guest subject matter expert presenters and will focus on an aspect of suicide or suicide prevention. The events will be held on Thursdays, throughout the month, from noon to 1:30 p.m. We invite those interested to register for any or all of the events below by clicking on the titles or by visiting the Suicide Prevention Webinar Series page here.

By the Numbers: 18 September 2017

3 million

The number of calls received by the VA's Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-8255) since its launch in 2007, according to a Military Times article announcing the opening of a third call center for the service on the campus of the VA Eastern Kansas Health Care System in Topeka.  The other two call centers, which operate around the clock with about 500 staffers, are in New York and Georgia.

Staff Perspective: “The S Word” - A Must See Documentary!

Sharon Birman, Psy.D.

“The S Word” is an investigative documentary that tells the stories of suicide attempt survivors, and the bereaved loved ones of those who have died by suicide.  The documentary begins with national suicide statistics, serving a clear message regarding the burden of suicide: "In the U.S. there is a suicide every 13 minutes" These figures help to set the scene for the groundbreaking and emotional documentary.

Staff Perspective: New EBP Video Section

We here at the Center for Deployment Psychology are excited to unveil the new Evidence-Based Psychotherapies video section on our website. As part of our multi-day EBP training events, we use many videos to demonstrate a variety of techniques. One of the most common request we receive is participants wanting the opportunity to watch these videos again afterwards to help reinforce the concepts. Now those interested can watch (and re-watch) all these video demonstrations whenever they want. 
