Blog posts with the tag "Treatment"

Staff Perspective: A Sneak Peek at Upcoming Changes to CDP’s CBT-D Workshop

Dr. Marjorie Weinstock

One of the courses that I teach frequently for the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) is “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: Working with Service Members & Veterans” (CBT-D). At CDP, we update all of our courses regularly to ensure that they’re current and fresh. With the current CBT-D workshop updates, I’m excited to be able to incorporate information from Dr. Judith Beck’s newly released third edition of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond.

Staff Perspective: Gratitude as Self-Care

Dr. Kevin Holloway

Many of you reading this now will likely agree with me that we’re looking forward to this new year. 2020 was certainly a year of upheaval, disconnection, distress, and for many people, significant loss. Indeed, all of us have experienced loss to one degree or another, whether that is loss of a loved one, income, ease of movement, or peace. Added to that is significant political discord, struggle for social justice, unjustified death and suffering, and disagreement on basic truth. It is easy to point to multiple examples of things we won’t miss about 2020

Staff Perspective: Military Families Share Their Experiences During COVID-19

Dr. Jenny Phillips

Following up on Christy Collette’s piece on "Military Family Resilience during COVID-19," this week’s blog will share additional information about the unique impacts of the pandemic on military families. Using information gathered directly from five different military families during the first wave of COVID-19, this blog will highlight some of the important issues behavioral health providers should consider when working with military families.

Staff Perspective: An Interview with Dr. Tom Horvath on the Current State SUD Treatment and SMART Recovery

Dr. Jeff Mann

This week's Staff Perspective features a video recording of in-depth conversation between CDP's Dr. Jeff Mann and Dr. Tom Horvath. The two discuss the current state of SUD treatment and aspects of SMART Recover.

Staff Perspective: Finally, An Integrated Treatment for Patients with PTSD and SUD

Have you heard about Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE)? This session-by-session therapist guide, written by Dr. Sudie Back and colleagues, was published in 2015. However, when I mention it at Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) workshops, few therapists in the audience have heard about it.
