CDP News: June 7, 2013

CDP News: June 7, 2013

Welcome to another edition of the CDP News, where we take a look backward at recent happenings, as well as looking forward to upcoming events around the center. First up, today marks the final day of our 2013 Midwest Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in Madison, WI. It’s been a great week and we’d like to thank all the attendees and presenters for doing such a wonderful job and making this training such a success. We’re currently working to final dates and locations for the remainder of our 1-week training sessions this year. We’re going to try and cover as many regions as we can before the year comes to a close. Watch for updates on our civilian training page, Facebook and Twitter for the latest details on upcoming training opportunities.

On the topic of upcoming training events, this Tuesday, June 11th, we’ll be visiting Hartford, CT to deliver our University Counseling Center Core Competency program to the Connecticut Conference of Independent Colleges. Click here for more information about the UC4 as well as the UC4-Extended program.

This week’s Staff Voices column was by Dr. Marjorie Weinstock and it took a look at the book “Serving Military Families in the 21st Century”.  Dr. Weinstock gives an overview of the book’s contents and concludes that it would be a valuable resource for those behavioral health providers involved in working with military families. The weekly Research Update covered a wide range of interesting topics as well. Take a minute to check it out here, if you missed it.

Next, we’d like to introduce the latest addition to the CDP team at our headquarters, Deirdre McGlynn. She joins us as an E-Learning Developer. She’ll be doing her part to help us deliver the same high-quality in-person training we offer in an online format. Keep an eye on our Online Courses section over the next few months as we begin to add more on-demand training opportunities.

Finally, we just want to mention to everyone that June is PTSD Awareness Month. There are numerous events going on this month to highlight this very important topic. One great online resources is the VA’s National Center for PTSD page. It offers a ton of information and news.

That’s it for this week. Have a great weekend and we’ll see you all next week with a brand-new “By the Numbers” entry.
