Blog posts with the tag "Deployment"

Staff Perspective: Focus on Peace – An Antidote for Provider Helplessness

Dr. Deb Nofziger

Is it normal to feel helpless as a provider when working with people who are in ongoing traumatic situations, like war? In my opinion, absolutely yes. As providers, we are trained to help alleviate problems and suffering. But that isn’t usually possible when someone is in an ongoing situation.

Staff Perspective: The Rate of Mental Health Diagnoses Among Deployed Soldiers

We often hear about the high rates of mental health disorders among service members; however, these rates typically reflect only those diagnoses received or the disorders treated while in-garrison. The mental health burden experienced while in-theater has been frequently underreported. This represents an important gap in our understanding of the behavioral health care needs of service members while deployed as well as the training needs of deploying providers.

Staff Perspective: Military Couples Communication: Recommendations for Managing Expectations and Communication While Deployed

Dr. Jenny Phillips

Couples communication during deployments is an important part of relationship maintenance for military families. In recent decades, enhanced access and new mechanisms for deployed communication have brought benefits but also new concerns related to communication frequency and content for couples. This blog reviews recent research findings and resulting recommendations for couples navigating communication expectations, social media, and communication blackouts during deployments.

Guest Perspective: Evolving Challenges of Deployment Communication

Most Service members see deployments as short term intervals, usually interruptions, in their lives. Family, however, is usually viewed as a constant. Communicating with our families, friends, and loved ones while we are deployed is a critical concern for nearly every Service member. Many find it difficult to strike a balance between trying to manage personal and family relationships and remaining focused on the mission and the needs of fellow Service members while deployed. Below is an abbreviated look at how deployment communication has changed over my career, ways my family and I have tried to adapt, and a look at future deployment communication challenges.

Staff Perspective: Not Home for the Holidays

As a military Veteran and a military spouse, deployments were an accepted and many times anticipated part of my life. I met and married my Marine husband in Jacksonville, North Carolina. He was assigned to a Marine Special Ops Command and deployed regularly. For years two through six of our marriage, my husband was gone 10 months out of every year. Throughout the years, he has missed every holiday at least once. For some, I don’t think he has ever been home.  As I recently reflected on these missed holidays and the challenges that went along with them, I came up with a list of my 10 Holiday Survival Tips for a military family.
