Deployment Psychology Blog

CDP News: April 12, 2013

It’s time for the latest edition of CDP News, where we round up the latest news and upcoming happenings at the Center for Deployment Psychology. This week we start by congratulating all of the participants of our 2013 South Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in the Oklahoma City metro area. The event wraps up today and it’s been very successful. We hope everyone learned a lot and enjoyed the experience. Our next 1-week training event will be in Madison, WI from June 7-13. If you’re interested in more details or signing up, please visit the event’s page here.

Staff Voices: Features of Relational Psychology–A Q &A with Dr. Brent Slife

The post-deployment period is sometimes a surprisingly difficult time for returning Service Members and their significant others. Couples and families may find themselves experiencing more conflict and emotional distance than they anticipated and this leaves them feeling surprised and unprepared.  After all, the deployment is over—shouldn’t reunion be the easiest part?  We know that Service Members benefit from positive relationships with significant others after deployment. And in my clinical work with Service Members, I have observed that good post-deployment adjustment is good for Service Member relationships. 

CDP News: April 5, 2013

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News, where we take a quick look at all the latest and upcoming happenings here at the Center for Deployment Psychology. This week our 2013 South Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in the Oklahoma City metro area reached registration capacity and is now officially sold out. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone out there next week, April 8 through 12! However, there is  good news for everyone else interested in attending our week-long civilian training sessions, we’ll be announcing the location and dates of our 2013 Midwestern Regional Training very soon. So keep an eye on our Civilian Training page, Facebook or Twitter for the latest announcements!
