Deployment Psychology Blog

By the Numbers - June 10, 2013

92% and 26%

The percentages, respectively, of veterans ages 25+ who have a high school diploma and a bachelors degree, according to an infographic from the U.S. Census Bureau, A Snapshot of Our Nation's Veterans.  According to the Census Bureau, veterans are more likely than the average American to have a high school diploma but less likely to have earned a bachelor's degree.

CDP News: June 7, 2013

Welcome to another edition of the CDP News, where we take a look backward at recent happenings, as well as looking forward to upcoming events around the center. First up, today marks the final day of our 2013 Midwest Regional 1-Week Civilian Training in Madison, WI. It’s been a great week and we’d like to thank all the attendees and presenters for doing such a wonderful job and making this training such a success. We’re currently working to final dates and locations for the remainder of our 1-week training sessions this year. We’re going to try and cover as many regions as we can before the year comes to a close. Watch for updates on our civilian training page, Facebook and Twitter for the latest details on upcoming training opportunities.

Research Update: June 6, 2013

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

• Main and interactive effects of social support in predicting mental health symptoms in men and women following military stressor exposure.
• Managing behavioral health needs of veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) in primary care.
• Repetitive Traumatic Brain Injury (or Concussion) Increases Severity of Sleep Disturbance among Deployed Military Personnel.

Staff Voices: Review of the Book "Serving Military Families in the 21st Century"

While working on a recent project about military families, I ran across the book Serving Military Families in the 21st Century. Published in April, 2012, this recent text is chock-full of information about working with military families, covering topics that range from military culture to the effects of war on Service Members and their families. The book is co-authored by five subject matter experts and purports to serve as an “introduction to military families and the effects of military service on adults, their relationships, and their children” (p.xi). With its emphasis on both recent research and first-hand experiences, I found it does exactly that. I think it would be a great resource for anyone interested in working with military families.

By the Numbers - June 3, 2013


The percentage of U.S. servicemembers who have family responsibilities, according to a recently published article in the journal Pediatrics -- Health and Mental Health Needs of Children in US Military Families.  According to the article, "Up to 2 million US children have been exposed to a wartime deployment of a loved one in the past 10 years."  The article is intended as a clinical report for all pediatricians, civilian and military.
