Deployment Psychology Blog

November 23, 2012: CDP News

We've almost reached the end of a holiday-shortened week, but we've still got time for a roundup of this week's happenings in our latest CDP news entry. This upcoming Monday, Nov. 26, is the final day to register for our last week-long training, Addressing the Psychological Health of Warriors and Their Families, of the year. The training is going to take place in Blacksburg, Va. from Dec. 3-7. If you're interested in attending, sign up quick!

Staff Voices: Life on the Other Side of Military Service

The day after I separated from active duty service, I walked into a recruiter’s office. It was a completely unplanned visit that I later swore to my husband resulted from curiosity to see if there were any Reserve positions for my career field. Actually, it resulted from my initial difficulty accepting I was now “just” a civilian. Whether coming off of active-duty orders after deployment for Reservists and Guard members, retiring after hitting the 20-year mark, or simply separating after serving out a commitment, all military members will eventually transition out of their service. This transition inevitably means a shift in identity from being a part of a clearly defined community to having to develop a more individual self-definition.

November 19, 2012: By the Numbers


The number of sexual assaults reported in the military last year, versus the number that actually take place each year, according to Pentagon estimates. These numbers appeared in a Bloomberg article about a new "wingman" rule adopted by the Air Force in the wake of a sex abuse scandal at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. The expanded wingman policy, which requires trainees to be accompanied whenever they are outside their dormitory, was criticized for placing a burden on the victims by Protector Our Defenders, an advocacy group for sexual assault victims in the military. 

November 16, 2012: CDP News

As we wrap up another week, it’s time for a round-up of the latest happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology in our latest CDP News entry. The biggest thing to announce is the release of two new additions to our online learning catalog. This week marked the launch of our courses on “Identification, Prevention, and Treatment of Suicidal Behavior for Service Members and Veterans” and“Depression in Service Members and Veterans”. As with all of our self-paced, online classes, these are available to take for free or for a fee with continuing education credits. Check out these new topics as well as our many existing ones in the Online Courses section of our website!

November 15, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• Posttraumatic stress disorder in veterans and military personnel: Epidemiology, screening, and case recognition.
• Energy Drink Consumption and Its Association with Sleep Problems Among U.S. Service Members on a Combat Deployment —Afghanistan, 2010.
