Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices - Dissociation and Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD

Dissociation is not unusual during psychological traumatization, and dissociative symptoms commonly occur with PTSD. Its manifestation both peri-trauma and during trauma recall is disturbing to both patients and therapists. Some trauma experts believe dissociation plays a unique role in management of trauma-related distress. A dissociative subtype of PTSD is being considered for DSM-V.

July 13, 2012: CDP News

It's Friday, which means it's time for the week round-up of goings-on at the CDP. For those of you in the DC metro area, tomorrow, July 14th, Dr. Bill Brim will present The Etiology, Assessment & Treatment of PTSD in Arlington, VA. This continuing education opportunity is a service of Penn State College of Medicine and individuals may register at

July 12, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

• Factors Associated With Physical Aggression Among US Army Soldiers.
• Family cohesion and posttraumatic intrusion and avoidance among war veterans: a 20-year longitudinal study.

Staff Voices - TRICARE and the Affordable Care Act

I have been reflecting lately on the five years that have passed since I separated from the Air Force.  Besides working at the Center for Deployment Psychology, one source of pride has been my continued work with Service members and their families by being a TRICARE provider. I am a Tricare Standard Certified Provider and have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people over the years. In the coming months we will have more blog entries about being a TRICARE provider and how TRICARE works including interviews with TRICARE officials and providers.
