Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices - TRICARE: Serve Those Who Have Served

It is simple math. Over the past 12 years more than 2 million service members have deployed, many multiple times, and some studies suggest that at least 30% of these warriors will have some psychological health concern or traumatic brain injury. That means potentially 600,000 service personnel who could benefit from some type of behavioral health service. Add to that almost 2 family members for every service member, who have also endured multiple deployments and the math becomes clear. The needs of warriors and their families far outstrip the ability of the military and veteran behavioral health services to provide timely access to quality care.

August 2, 2012: Research Update

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:
• Stigma of Suicide Attempt (STOSA) scale and Stigma of Suicide and Suicide Survivor (STOSASS) scale: Two new assessment tools.
• The Combined Stress of Family Life, Work, and War in Air Force Men and Women: A Test of Conservation of Resources Theory.

Staff Voices - Posttraumatic Stress - Is It a Disorder or Injury?

On Sunday, May 6, 2012, Greg Jaffe wrote an article in the Washington Post titled, Psychiatrists Seek New Name, and Less Stigma, for PTSD: Proposal Would Define PTSD as an Injury. This article sketches the current debate about whether the name posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) should be changed to posttraumatic stress injury—a change in which the word “disorder” would be replaced by “injury”. Infused partly by Army leadership, this call for change has stirred various questions including whether the name change would really reduce stigma and how it would impact the legitimacy of the condition in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and in health insurance and federal disability claims.
