Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Chronic Pain - What Do Race, Ethnicity, Gender or Age Have to do with the Care Received?

Dr. Jeff Mann

Over the last several decades we’ve learned a lot about the role of bias in the way that individuals are treated in the healthcare setting. Race and ethnicity, gender, sexual identity and orientation, disability status or special health care needs, geographic location (rural and urban) can all have a dramatic impact on the type and quality of health care we receive.

By the Numbers: 25 October 2021

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The percentage of "Veterans Health Administration (VHA) primary care patients" in states with "legalized medical cannabis" who "endorsed past-year cannabis use," according to a study published online ahead of print in the journal Psychology of Addictive Behaviors -- Prevalence of medical and nonmedical cannabis use among veterans in primary care.

Research Update: 21 October 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Applying polyvictimization theory to veterans: Associations with substance use and mental health.
● The rapid anti-suicidal ideation effect of ketamine: A systematic review.
● Military Stressors, Parent-Adolescent Relationship Quality, and Adolescent Adjustment.

Staff Perspective: “It’s all in your head” – Temporomandibular Joint Pain

Dr. Bill Brim

U.S. Air Force Loadmaster MSgt Terrell Davis* had experienced headaches since he was 15-years-old. He had seen numerous specialists, tried medications, physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments and yoga. He had been diagnosed with migraine and tension type headaches, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and half-a-dozen rule-outs. At 32-years-old, he had suffered head pain for more than half his life and it was getting worse, affecting his work and his personal life.
*Not their actual name
