Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Suicide Awareness Month

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. This is a very important topic that touches many individuals around the world. In addition to our existing resources on suicide prevention, we will be have a series of blogs on the topic. We also invite you to watch a recording of this month's CDP Presents webinar, "Suicide Prevention from Elite Athletes to High Performance Military." This 90-minute presentation helps viewers learn more about suicide prevention efforts as it relates to elite athletes and those in high-performance roles.

Research Update: 9 September 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Dissociation as a Transdiagnostic Indicator of Self-Injurious Behavior and Suicide Attempts: A Focus on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder.
● Intersection of Racism and PTSD: Assessment and Treatment of Racial Stress and Trauma.
● The role of self-compassion on the relationship between trauma and hearing voices.

Staff Perspective: Might ACT Provide an Important Inroad in the Treatment of Suicidal Thinking and Behaviors During COVID-19 and Beyond?

Dr. Erin Frick

Our profession continues to bend and shape to meet the needs of clients amid the COVID-19 pandemic. However, one concern taking up space in most mental health professionals’ minds is how the pandemic will impact suicide risk. The conventional wisdom is that the associated life stressors, relational challenges, and greater access to firearms due to a surge in sales all may lead to a perfect storm whereby more people will be at risk of dying by suicide.

Research Update: 2 September 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Better off with you: Exploring congruity between caregivers’ and Veterans’ experience of efforts to cope with suicide.
● An examination of department of defense environmental factors that contribute to reporting sexual harassment.
● Military identity and planning for the transition out of the military.
● Shorter and longer-term risk for non-fatal suicide attempts among male U.S. military veterans after discharge from psychiatric hospitalization.
