Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: 30 September 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder in the United States: a systematic literature review.
● Changes of evening exposure to electronic devices during the COVID-19 lockdown affect the time course of sleep disturbances.
● The natural history of insomnia: predisposing, precipitating, coping, and perpetuating factors over the early developmental course of insomnia.

By the Numbers: 27 September 2021

1 in 4

The number of female veteran patients who "experience public harassment by men veterans at Veterans Affairs (VA) health care facilities," according to a study published online before print in the journal Women's Health Issues -- Staff and Patient Perspectives on Bystander Intervention Training to Address Patient-Initiated Sexual Harassment in Veterans Affairs Healthcare Settings.

Research Update: 16 September 2021

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The weekly Research Update contains the latest news, journal articles, useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 
● Qualitative characterizations of misinformed disclosure reactions to medications for opioid use disorders and their consequences.
● Acupuncture for combat post-traumatic stress disorder: trial development and methodological approach for a randomized controlled clinical trial.
● Post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with alterations in evoked cortical activation during visual recognition of scenes.
