Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Perspective: Group Work – An Argument for Making the Process Group an Integral Element of the Treatment Protocol

Anthony McCormick, Ph.D.

From practical experience, (as discussed in a previous blog entry: Staff Voices: Integrating Deployment Experiences - The Process Group as a Critical Resource ), I am a staunch advocate for use of the process group format as an exceedingly useful resource and/or addition to the individual psychotherapy/psychopharmological treatment protocol for Service members who have deployed. Today I’d like to continue to expand upon my support of this treatment avenue. More specifically, I would like to report an observation as well as present a challenge to the community of mental health providers who serve the needs of military men and women who have deployed.

By the Numbers - Dec. 16, 2013


The percentage of a sample of 10,400 Army soldiers who reported seriously considering or attempting suicide since joining the military, according to a recent study in the journal Psychiatric Services -- 
Suicidal Behaviors and the Use of Mental Health Services Among Active Duty Army Soldiers. Thirteen perecent (13%) of the same group reported that they "had seriously considered or attempted suicide at some point in their lives."

CDP News: Dec. 13, 2013

Welcome to this week’s CDP News! We like to use this space to take a few moments to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events.

Research Update: Dec. 12, 2013

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● Secondary Traumatic Stress in Military Primary and Mental Health Care Providers.
● Postdeployment Experiences of Military Mental Health Providers.

Staff Perspective: Examining Parents of Service Members and Veterans

Limited research has focused on parents of Service members despite the millions of mothers and fathers who wear these shoes. However, Worthen, Moos and Ahern (2012) take a step to fill this gap by shedding light on the experiences of 11 returned Veterans aged 22-52 living with their parents after separating from the military in California.  The authors argue for the importance of this research, noting that 27% of Veterans 30 years of age or younger currently live with their parents in California, and an even larger percentage lives with them for some period of time after leaving the military. Also, according to these researchers, Veterans who navigate the waters of returning to live with their parents often face more rocky transitions than their non-Veteran counterparts because they are leaving the structure and purpose of the military and may have experienced combat or other trauma.
