Deployment Psychology Blog

Staff Voices: The American Red Cross - Supporting America's Military Families

I will never forget the moment on March 8, 2006 when I was sitting in my B-Hut (Barracks Hut) in Afghanistan and opened an e-mail from my brother informing me that my mother had just experienced a medical emergency and was in the hospital in critical condition.  I was beside myself!  I was halfway around the world from my family, in a deployed location feeling very lonely, overwhelmed, and unable to help.  I honestly did not know where to start or what to do.  Thankfully, my First Sergeant told me that he was going to contact the American Red Cross for assistance.

October 19, 2012: CDP News

As we reach the end of another week, it's time for the latest CDP News. The CDP frequently receives questions regarding upcoming  dates and locations for our 1-week civilian training program,  "Addressing the Psychological Needs of Warriors and Their Families."  In order to facilitate planning for interested individuals, we are posting a tentative list of our scheduled trainings for 2013.

Staff Voices: The Importance of Self-Care

Laura Copland

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

How often have we given advice…wonderful, wise advice…to our patients and never once considered its relevance to ourselves?  The answer to this is, of course, often, very, very often.

Clinicians routinely talk to patients about the need for balance between work and personal life, the importance of good sleep hygiene, exercise, socialization and eating well.  What prevents many of us from acting on this advice?
