Deployment Psychology Blog

CDP News: 15 August 2014

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. We’re in the home stretch of summer, as we head into the second half of August, we’ve still got plenty to do!

Research Update: 14 August 2014

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include: 

  • Symptoms of Psychological Distress and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in United States Air Force "Drone" Operators.
  • Postconcussive Symptom Report in Polytrauma: Influence of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychiatric Distress.
  • Chasing the Care: Soldiers Experience Following Combat-Related Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.

Staff Perspective: Changes in the new CPT treatment manual

As both a therapist using Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) with my PTSD patients and a CPT Trainer, I was eagerly awaiting the revision of the treatment manual.  And my wait was finally over in May 2014!  But then I found I was faced with a dilemma - do I throw out my old manual along with notes and reprint the new one?  Or can I simply keep the old manual and replace a few pages here and there.  It seems others were wondering also given the number of times during trainings and within my own clinic I've been asked this.  So, I did an in-depth comparison of the two manuals, and here is what I found along with my suggestions.

Research Update: 7 August 2014

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

  • Military Service and Alcohol Use in the United States.
  • Status- and Stigma-related Consequences of Military Service and PTSD: Evidence from 
    a Laboratory Experiment.
