Blog posts with the tag "Clinical Skills"

Staff Perspective: A Brief History of LGB Individuals and the Military (Part 2)

Sharon Birman, Psy.D.

LGB Service members have faced workplace stigma, institutional heterosexism, and discrimination for decades.  In spite of exclusionary policies, LGB persons have long served in the U.S. military. Same-sex behaviors have been prohibited in the military setting as far back as the Revolutionary War. In 1942, the first policies explicitly prohibiting gay and lesbian individuals from joining the military were enacted. While in WWI sodomy laws were the basis for exclusion, WWII focused on exclusion on the basis of “sexual proclivities”. In 1953, President Eisenhower issued executive order 10450 prohibiting federal personnel from participating in “subversive” groups, maintaining that “sexual perversion” presents a security risk.

Staff Perspective: LGB History in Psychology and the Military (Part 1)​

Staff Perspective: Behavioral Activation - There’s an App for That!

Marjorie Weinstock, Ph.D.

I recently learned about the Mood Coach app from a participant at one of my recent trainings on CBT for Depression (CBT-D).  We’ve tried to include information about pertinent apps in our workshops, as we know that many of the Service members we treat find this type of technology appealing (oftentimes more so than using traditional pencil-and-paper worksheets).

Staff Perspective: LGB History in Psychology and the Military (Part 1)

Sharon Birman, Psy.D.

Hi! I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Sharon Ela Hana Birman; not many people know I have two middle names.  I am middle child with one older brother and one younger brother.  I am an aunt to a beautiful little girl named Abigail.  I own a little white dog – he weighs 3 lbs, but makes up for his small size with his big personality.  I work as a Clinical Psychologist and love my job.  Oh yeah…. And I am straight. 

Staff Perspective: And, If the EBT is Ineffective? What Then?

Anthony McCormick, Ph.D.

In recent times, there has been a significant push to validate treatment approaches using the rigor of scientific research.  This welcomed addition to the field of clinical psychology has been great for the field and has met with much success.  A number of evidence-based treatments (EBTs) have been scientifically researched and proven effective (efficacious) in treating several clinical disorders. 

Staff Perspective: Downrange Comedy – Humor in Deployed Settings (Part 2)

Matthew Sacks, Ph.D.

Welcome back to our discussion of humor and comedy in deployed locations.  Last time I interviewed comedian Kathleen Madigan about her USO performances over the years.  In this part, I will speak with comedian Roy Wood, Jr. and former Army Specialist Michael Dillon about their experiences with comedy performances downrange.
