Blog posts with the tag "Clinical Skills"

Staff Perspective: A Sneak Peek at Upcoming Changes to CDP’s CBT-D Workshop

Dr. Marjorie Weinstock

One of the courses that I teach frequently for the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) is “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Depression: Working with Service Members & Veterans” (CBT-D). At CDP, we update all of our courses regularly to ensure that they’re current and fresh. With the current CBT-D workshop updates, I’m excited to be able to incorporate information from Dr. Judith Beck’s newly released third edition of Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond.

Staff Perspective: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Military

Providing therapy to military-connected clients with PTSD during the pandemic has raised my awareness about the intersection between trauma symptoms, COVID-19-related anxiety and distress, and military values that can help individuals cope with the outbreak like having good situational awareness, taking individual responsibility, applying discipline, and striving for the larger mission to maintain safety and protect others. My clinical work has also led me to think more about how the pandemic is impacting military members and their families overall.

Staff Perspective: Finally, An Integrated Treatment for Patients with PTSD and SUD

Have you heard about Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE)? This session-by-session therapist guide, written by Dr. Sudie Back and colleagues, was published in 2015. However, when I mention it at Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) workshops, few therapists in the audience have heard about it.

Staff Perspective: Lean Into Your Moral Pain

Andrew Santanello, Psy.D.

Several years ago, I was co-facilitating a group Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) session with several BIPOC (Black, Indiginous, People of Color), Vietnam Veterans. During agenda setting, one of the Veterans in the group wanted to discuss a Challenging Beliefs Worksheet (CBW) that he had completed during the past week. I acknowledged his request, and, since he didn’t often speak about his practice assignments, I asked the group if we could start with his agenda item. The rest of the group agreed.

Staff Perspective: A Discussion of DBT-PE with Dr. Harned, Part Two

Dr. Kim Copeland continues her discussion with the developer of DBT-PE, Dr. Harned in the second part of this vlog. They talk about several topics including how to tell when patients are ready for DBT-PE, how DBT-PE differs from traditional PE, some of the research supporting DBT-PE, how to ensure engagement during treatment, and how to get trained in DBT-PE.
