Blog posts with the tag "Clinical Skills"

Staff Perspective: Connecting Clinically - The “Suck It Up and Drive On” Mentality

When you consider the cultural context of the military as being group-based, it is not unusual for clients to downplay their own pain and symptoms because someone else is "worse" than they are. This can lead to problems with them fully engaging in treatment. Providers must somehow address this without being dismissive of the cultural value behind it.

Staff Perspective: I Did Not Sign Up for this Ultra-Marathon: Challenges to Providing Evidence-Based Psychotherapy in 2023

Dr. Carin Lefkowitz

How can mental health care providers deliver good treatment while avoiding burnout in the context of multiple public health crises? Speakers at the 3rd Annual EBP Conference will offer insights.

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode - “If We Say All the Right Things, Everyone Will Love This Episode: Talking about the Just World Belief ”

Dr. Kevin Holloway

How many of us, as behavioral health providers, work very hard to do exactly the right thing with every client in every session? Of course! We all want to provide the best possible care and have our clients eel better. Sometimes we get caught up in the notion that if we do or say just the right things at just the right time in just the right way, we can expect all clients to make spectacular progress and enjoy significantly improved symptoms. It makes our world predictable, and perhaps even contributes to feeling validated that we are doing a good job.
Listen to the latest episode of CDP's Podcast, "Practical for Your Practice" here!

Staff Perspective: New Military Kids & Families Training Series!

The Center for Deployment Psychology and Kennedy Krieger Institute are working collaboratively on a study focused on enhancing evidenced-based treatment outcomes for military children with developmental and behavioral health needs. This project explores telehealth and tele-education feasibility and best practices to increase access to specialty care and to identify programs and service delivery models to enhance the care and well-being of military-connected children. This project include a series of self-paced online courses which include free CEs.

Staff Perspective: DOD Child Collaboration Study - Enhancing and Expanding Use of Tele-education and Telehealth Care in Support of Military Children

Child and adolescent behavioral health clinicians have always been invested in the mental health needs of our youngest clients. They have a profound understanding of how biology, family, community, and systems impact youth mental health. Mental health needs for children and adolescents continue to rise to an unsurpassed level. Nearly one in five children have a diagnosable mental health condition like depression, anxiety, or ADHD and according to the Centers for Disease Control.
