Blog posts with the tag "By the Numbers"

By the Numbers - Nov. 2, 2015

43% and 19%

The percentage of accidental deaths in the U.S. Army from 2005-2011 caused, respectively, by motor vehicles and drugs/alcohol, according to a December 2014 article in the journal Military Medicine -- Mortality Surveillance in the U.S. Army, 2005-2011. By way of comparison, in the U.S. general population, the two most common causes of accidental death were drugs/alcohol (36%) and motor vehicles (35%).

By the Numbers - Oct. 5, 2015

9.4 million

The number of adults ages 18+ in the U.S. who "thought seriously about trying to kill themselves in the  past 12 months," according to a recently released report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration -- Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior among Adults:  Results from the 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (PDF).
