Blog posts with the tag "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder"

Staff Perspective: Article Review - Combined PTSD and Depressive Symptoms Interact with Post Deployment Social Support to Predict Suicidal Ideation in OEF and OIF Veterans

In recent years, with the rising rate of suicide among Service members (SM) and Veterans, much attention has been given to factors that contribute to suicide in this population.  The authors note that many returning SM experience psychological problems that are known to be associated with higher suicide risk.

Staff Perspective: Using Technology to Treat PTSD

Christopher Adams

Every time we turn around, it seems like the world is getting a bit more technologically complex. Between computers, smartphones, E-mail, it seems like everywhere you look technology has made its presence felt. Though it can be overwhelming at times, this influx of technology also provides new opportunities deal with existing problems as well. Today we’re going to take a look at a few of the ways people are using this technological boom to potentially help those with PTSD.

Staff Perspective: Stellate ganglion block for PTSD

As clinicians who veterans and active service members, many of us see residual symptoms following successful treatment. We have patients who have successfully completed exposure treatment who were very capable of rehearsing their traumas and reducing their anxiety, yet some of them continue to show stubborn residual agitation. Their stories have become more coherent as they work through successive exposures, they progress through in vivo experiences, and their functioning improves. Their description sounds like their baseline anxiety level has gone from 3 to 5.

Staff Perspective: A Dynamic Relationship Model for Couples Experiencing PTSD

Working with Veterans with PTSD is an intense experience where all focus can be on helping alleviate the Veteran's symptoms.  What can sometimes get lost in this process is how the Veteran's family and relationships are surviving.  PTSD does not happen in a bubble and can have very harsh impacts on relationships.  These relationships will be changed even in the best case scenarios.  On the flip side, aspects of close relationships will impact how the Veteran's PTSD symptoms are experienced.  Following is a review of a recent research article which develops a multi-dimentional model of how relationship qualities can both be impacted by and affect the experience of PTSD.
