Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode, “Practically YOU! How It Took 5 Seasons to Have a Call-in Show”

Practically Speaking: Behind the Episode, “Practically YOU! How It Took 5 Seasons to Have a Call-in Show”

Back in the day when we were first kicking around the idea for the Practical for Your Practice podcast, we decided that we really wanted the show to feel like a conversation among colleagues–nothing scripted and nothing preachy or condescending–about the real world challenges of implementing EBPs. To be fair, we often had great conversations amongst ourselves after which we’d end up saying, “why didn’t we record this?” Our intent from the very beginning was to invite listeners into these conversations–to feel as though they were our colleagues participating in these discussions, either while driving in to work, taking a walk at lunch, or winding down after a long day. We hope we’ve achieved that tone.

Listen to the full discussion here: Practically YOU! How It Took 5 Seasons to Have a Call-In Show

This episode is our 60th episode! It is amazing to look back on this whole thing and hope that we’ve connected with our listeners in ways that have helped their practice, implementing evidence-based psychotherapies (EBPs) with confidence and fidelity in the real world. And yet, podcasts are funny things where it sometimes feels like we might just be talking into the void. Is anyone listening? And if so, are we discussing topics and answering questions that are important to them? We wanted to find out.

So we came up with this crazy idea. What if we did a call-in show? Certainly there were some technical and administrative issues, but nothing we couldn’t overcome. We finally settled on a date and time for calls as well as set up mechanisms for voice-mail and email messages because we REALLY want to know what’s on our listeners’ minds.

We had to ask ourselves–will anyone call? Who would it be? What if we end up talking to ourselves? Would it be what we hoped–actual interaction with the people for whom we do this podcast? Turns out, YES! We asked for your questions, comments, and “What is your why?” stories, and you delivered! We are honored that so many joined us for this conversation. So we invite you to listen as we respond to listeners' questions, hear about LPCs in clinical practice, clients that aren’t a “perfect” fit with EBP protocols, not mixing EBP “cocktails”, lots of “woohoo!”s, and Jenna being voted “Most Likely to be Ariel in Little Mermaid 2” in high school. What a great community of practice!

As we prepare for Season 6 (what?!), we want to continue to hear from you! What are your questions? What feedback do you have? What topics do you want to hear about? What is your EBP Confession? What is your Why? Share it with us in a voicemail at or via email at, and we may include it in an upcoming episode!

Listen to the full discussion here: Practically YOU! How It Took 5 Seasons to Have a Call-In Show

The opinions in CDP Staff Perspective blogs are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Science or the Department of Defense.

Kevin Holloway, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist working as Director of Online Training, Technology and Telehealth (OT3) at the Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP) at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Maryland. In this capacity, he leads a team of subject matter experts and support staff to develop and present workshops across the world to military and civilian audiences on topics in deployment behavioral health and evidence-based therapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).