Deployment Psychology Blog

Research Update: Dec. 17, 2015

This is our final Research Update for 2015. Wishing you and yours a happy holiday season, and we'll see you again on January 7, 2016.

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● Holidays and PTSD: PTSD Monthly Update - December 2015
● Considerations for Integrating Women into Closed Occupations in the U.S. Special Operations Forces

Staff Perspective: Suicide and Stigma: A Review of the Literature and Personal Reflections

Having recently participated in a local suicide prevention event in my local community, this article about suicide and stigma caught my eye.  I was invited by a group of individuals to help with a suicide awareness and prevention walk sponsored by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and to help with a community educational meeting about suicide about two weeks after the walk.  Most of the individuals who are a part of this group have had personal experience with suicide, losing one or more family members in this way.

By the Numbers - Dec. 14, 2015

$3.1 billion to $5.7 billion annually

The amount the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that Department of Defense (DoD) could save by replacing military personnel in support positions, according to a new CBO report -- Replacing Military Personnel in Support Positions With Civilian Employees
Although only military members fill combat roles, the report notes that in 2012, "about 340,000 active-duty military personnel were assigned to commercial positions that perform support functions." By transferring just 80,000 of those slots to civilian or contract personnel, the DoD could realize savings in the range stated above.

CDP News: Dec. 11, 2015

Welcome to this week’s edition of CDP News! We like to use this space to review recent happenings in and around the Center for Deployment Psychology, while also looking ahead to upcoming events. This was another full week and we’ll have a couple more as we approach the end of the year. Let’s see what’s on the slate.

Research Update: Dec. 10, 2015

The CDP's weekly research update contains the latest news, journal articles and useful links from around the web. Some of this week's topics include:

● Demystifying the Citizen Soldier (RAND) 
● Finding the Balance Between Safety and Threat May Hold the Key to Success When Treating PTSD. (editorial) 
