Blog posts with the tag "Clinical Skills"

Staff Perspective: What Makes a Good Metaphor in Prolonged Exposure Therapy?

Across multiple PE training workshops at which I’ve presented, we’ve discussed the importance of helping our patients understand various aspects of treatment such as rationale, procedures, the nature of the therapeutic relationship, using metaphors. A colleague and I recently discussed the use of metaphor in PE, and shared many of the metaphors we use in treatment.  We realized that many new PE therapists might benefit from considering a wide range of metaphors that could be used in PE treatment, so we present to you several PE metaphors for your consideration.

Staff Perspective: When There’s “No Time” for PTSD Treatment

Diana Dolan, Ph.D., CBSM

After a recent case conference discussion with clinical psychology interns about treatment options to offer patients when the window for treatment is abbreviated, I decided to consult with my colleagues about their opinions , and summarize my findings along with my own opinion.  One thing we all agreed on-for a provider, there should be no such thing as "no time" window available for PTSD treatment.
