Blog posts with the tag "Staff Perspective"

Staff Perspective: How Do We Define "Resilience"?

Dr. Elizabeth Burgin

As a military spouse, I frequently hear my family described as resilient, particularly when we are navigating a challenge in service to my partner’s military career. Sometimes I pause and take in the constellation of changes we are facing – frequent and prolonged periods apart, distance from our dearest friends and family, my own constantly changing career trajectory, racing the PCS clock to adopt our son before we land in a new state – and I can take in that we are making a happy life, with new perspectives, new friends, and meaningful experiences despite the upheaval. 

Staff Perspective: “Kids Don’t Come with Handbooks” – Helping Parents Build Resiliency in Their Children

Brian Ludden

At the beginning of my career as a mental health counselor, I worked primarily in school and community-based settings, focusing on the struggles and stressors experienced by military-connected students and their families. The work I did with young people was related to typical school-aged concerns, ranging from the mostly innocuous worries about an upcoming test or the severe struggles with bullying, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and grief and loss. While working in the school system as a Military-Connected Student Support Specialist under a Department of Defense Educational Activities (DoDEA) grant, I had the opportunity to attend the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Annual Conference for several years.

Staff Perspective: Intimate Partner Violence - Understanding its Impact, Improving Screening Methods, and Strengthening Support Systems

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the serious effects of domestic violence, including intimate partner violence (IPV). During this month, various programs focus on this critical issue to support those affected by domestic violence and to educate professionals who assist them. 

Staff Perspective: Crayons Aren’t Just for Kids - Art Therapy in Addiction Treatment

As I sat down to write this this blog, numerous thoughts came to mind as to what I wanted to write for National Substance Use Prevention Month. We all too frequently hear the statistics across various sources regarding the opioid crisis, the rising numbers of overdose, and the impacts substance use has on the individual, families, relationships, and communities. With my thinking cap on, I contemplated the direction for the blog. Most of my career has been working within the addiction and comorbid behavioral health fields, so while statistics and assessment have their own importance, my mind kept going to the process of transformation that can occur and the creative process that individuals can take to reach the end goal of sustained recovery

Staff Perspective: On the Benefits of “Falling Back” to Standard Time

It is coming up on that time change time-of-year. Many look ahead to having to change the clocks with dread, while others may go about their days in blissful ignorance until a well-meaning coworker or friend sends a reminder. When the time comes, most people will experience at least some sleep disruption, feel moody or irritable, and some will be involved in a traffic accident or work mishap.
